Kashmir to Kanyakumari 1000 Days BeSure Sainik Canteen (Be.Sa.Ca.) in just 1000 days ,Valued 100 Crores ,Aiming Target 5550 BeSure Sainik Canteens (Be.Sa.Ca.) . Buy One Get One Free on most of the products.

BeSure Sainik Canteen

The main aim of BeSure Sainik Canteen is to become self-dependent. As everyone is facing unemployment problem and to get a dealership of branded companies are very difficult and expensive.

The Besure Sainik Canteen has decided to provide the maximum welfare support to the force personnel. Sainik Canteen is a specially re-employment/employment program for retired force personnel and dependents of serving force personnel which will help to offer to open a small grocery store at their home town where multi brands are available for sale at reasonable rates to the society. These canteens will be opened by an ex force personnel and dependents of serving force personnel.

Our initiative is to provide a platform where ex force personnel or dependents of serving force personnel can earn for better living. This will also be a step to become an entrepreneur to promote startup India because if any, persons want to do something that can start at their own by taking advantage of our platform. We will provide them multi brands under one roof.

Benefits Of Besure Sainik Canteen

Now free Insurance for all buyers of BeSure Sainik Canteen . minimum order value is Rs. 1000.00 and accidental Insurance of Rs. 1 Lakh is free for one year.  Accidental Insurance of Rs. 5 Lakh is free for one year on the purchase of Rs. 3500.00 products. Medical Insurance for 30 days is also free ( Rs. 1000.00 per day ) and Rs. 2000.00 in case of ICU required on purchase of Rs. 5000.00 and  if you buy products of Rs. 9500.00 Medical Insurance for 30 days is also free ( Rs. 2000.00 per day ) and Rs. 4000.00 in case of ICU if required.

  • Over 1050 + Besure Sainik Canteen Running Successfully. From Kashmir to Kanyakumari , Andaman Nikobar , Mizoram also 
  • No Franchise Fees, 
  • Free Transportation
  • Door Delivery Transportation
  • No Royalty Charges
  • Transparent & Competitive Pricing
  • No Security Deposit
  • Regular & Uninterrupted Supplies
  • Low Investment
  • Most Essential Items Like Sugar, Salt, Wheat, Etc. At Factory Price
  • Products Of All Leading Brands Like Hul, P&G, Johnson & Johnson, Himalaya, Catch, Relaxo, Dabur, Vip, American Tourister, Rajdhani Etc. Are Available.

For Enquiries Call  9289142400, 9810963500, 9910428600

Email -Besure@Besureindia.Com

As A Measure Of Welfare And Rehabilitation And Employment Of Force Personnel (Army,Navy,Air Force Crpf ,Ssb ,Cisf ,Itbp ,Ndrf ,Pac Other Forces And Dependents Of The Force Personnel, The Besure Sainik Canteen Promoted By Besure Sainik Canteen Pvt Ltd (Cin)  U55101up2022ptc162851 Has Set Up The Besure Sainik Canteen. Sainik Canteen Which Sells Products To Civil Public Also On A Cheaper Rate. This Besure Sainik Canteen Will Also Treat As A Multi-Brand Fmcg Store. The Main Aim Of  Besure Sainik Canteen Is To Become Self-Dependent. As Everyone Is Facing Unemployment Problem And To Get A Dealership Of Branded Companies Are Very Difficult And Expensive.  Besure Sainik Canteen Is Providing Work From Home Facility For One Family Member . Besure Sainik Canteen Is Also Providing Insurance Of Canteen As Well As Canteen Owner Conditions Apply . For Details Pls Write To Besure@Besureindia.Com  .  Also Introducing Multi National Companies In The Past Few Years To Establish Their Business In India  Small Scale Business Is Abolishing Day By Day. We Are Supplying The Multi Brand Products Like Hindustan Liver (Hul) , Johnson & Johnson , Catch, Tropicana , Yking Tools , Amul, Britania , Haldiram , Himalaya , Everest And Many More On Almost Cpc Rates. The Average Income Will Be Rs. 50,000.00 Per Month . These Canteen Will Be Distribution Center For Most Of The Brands . Besure Is Providing Sanitary Napkins Free Of Cost To The School Going Girls .  Besure Is Manufacturer Of Fmcg Products Like Soap , Shampoo, Face Wash , Ayurvedic Medicine , Weight Loss Capsules , Piles Capsules Etc. Besure Is Also Exporting Products To Mauritius, London Etc . Apart From Exports Besure Products Are Also Available At Kendriya Bhandar Like Outlets.

Paramilitary Forces Employes के कल्याण और पुनर्वास और रोजगार के उपाय के रूप में (Army, Navy, Air Force Crpf, Ssb, Cisf, Itbp, Ndrf, Pac अन्य बलों और बल के कर्मियों के आश्रितों के लिए Besure Sainik Canteen pvt. Ltd. द्वारा Besure सैनिक कैंटीन का प्रचार किया गया है। Besure सैनिक कैंटीन की स्थापना। सैनिक कैंटीन जो नागरिक जनता को उत्पाद बेचती है वह भी सस्ती दर पर।  Besure सैनिक कैंटीन मल्टी-ब्रांड Fmcg स्टोर के रूप में भी माना जाएगा। Besure सैनिक कैंटीन का मुख्य उद्देश्य आत्म निर्भर बनना है। जैसा कि हर कोई बेरोजगारी की समस्या का सामना कर रहा है और ब्रांडेड कंपनियों की डीलरशिप प्राप्त करना बहुत मुश्किल और महंगा है। भारत में अपने व्यवसाय को स्थापित करने के लिए पिछले कुछ वर्षों में मल्टी नेशनल कंपनियों को पेश करना, दिन-ब-दिन छोटे व्यवसाय को समाप्त कर रहा है। Besure सैनिक कैंटीन आपूर्ति कर रहे हैं। हिंदुस्तान लीवर (एचयूएल), जॉनसन एंड जॉनसन, कैच, ट्रॉपिकाना, यकिंग टूल, अमूल, ब्रिटानिया, हल्दीराम, हिमालय, एवरेस्ट जैसे ब्रांड के उत्पाद और लगभग सभी सीपीसी दरों पर। औसत आय आय L रु। 50,000.00 प्रति माह। ये कैंटीन अधिकांश ब्रांडों के लिए वितरण केंद्र होगी। Besure स्कूल जाने वाली लड़कियों को मुफ्त में सैनिटरी नैपकिन प्रदान कर रहा है। Besure Fmcg उत्पादों जैसे साबुन, शैम्पू, फेस वाश, आयुर्वेदिक चिकित्सा, वजन घटाने के कैप्सूल, पाइल्स कैप्सूल आदि का निर्माता है। Besure मॉरीशस, लंदन आदि के लिए भी उत्पादों का निर्यात कर रहा है। निर्यात के अलावा Besure उत्पाद Kendriya Bhandar  आउटलेट्स  पर उपलब्ध हैं

No Security Deposit

BESURE SAINIK CANTEEN  –BeSure Sainik canteen is not charging any security deposit.Kashmir to Kanyakumari 1000 BeSure Sainik Canteen (Be.Sa.Ca.) in just 1000 days ,Valued 100 Crores .Aiming Target 5550 BeSure Sainik Canteens (Be.Sa.Ca.)

For CPC ( Central Police canteen ) KPKB Business Join

No Franchise Fee

BeSure Sainik Canteen is not charging any Franchise fee. Kashmir to Kanyakumari 1000 BeSure Sainik Canteen (Be.Sa.Ca.) in just 1000 days ,Valued 100 Crores .Aiming Target 5550 BeSure Sainik Canteens (Be.Sa.Ca.)

For CPC ( Central Police canteen ) KPKB Business Join .

No Royalty

ACROSS INDIA 1000 PLUS STORES -BeSure Sainik Canteen is not charging any royalty . Kashmir to Kanyakumari 1000 BeSure Sainik Canteen (Be.Sa.Ca.) in just 1000 days ,Valued 100 Crores .Aiming Target 5550 BeSure Sainik Canteens (Be.Sa.Ca.)

For CPC ( Central Police canteen ) KPKB Business Join .

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Duty Of Care

Our initiative is to provide a platform where ex force personnel or dependents of serving force personnel can earn for better living. This will also be a step to become an entrepreneur to promote startup India because if any, persons want to do something that can start at their own by taking advantage of our platform. We will provide them multi brands under one roof.

besure sainik canteen video

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